About the S2S Platform

The Action Platform for Source-to-Sea Management is a network of organizations committed to promoting, building commitment for, and implementing source-to-sea action to address key development challenges.

The S2S Platform leverages the voice of its partners to keep source-to-sea action on the agenda. Partners grounded in research, implementation and monitoring strengthen the evidence-base and build the demand for source-to-sea action. They demonstrate that a source-to-sea approach is needed to address persistent and rising issues such as climate change, water and marine pollution, and biodiversity decline.

The Platform builds capacity in source-to-sea management and works to provide local practitioners with the required resources to plan and act holistically. The global network of partners connects to share learnings and expertise, with each other and beyond, to grow the source-to-sea community.

The activities of the S2S Platform are supported by a secretariat, hosted by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI). The secretariat helps to maintain a vibrant community of committed source-to-sea advocates through facilitating partner engagement activities and supporting collaborative activities.

Strategy, goals and Steering Committee

The strategic aims are:

  • Strengthening partnership across actors and initiatives: Through individual and joint activities, we will engage our extensive networks and connect with relevant initiatives promoting source-to-sea policies and practice; thereby building understanding, commitment, and action to address source-to-sea issues.
  • Growing understanding: We will substantiate the need for and benefits of the source-to-sea approach and increase the understanding of source-to-sea linkages by gathering and sharing knowledge, building an evidence-base gained through research, and developing guidance on addressing source-to-sea challenges.
  • Building commitment for source-to-sea action: We will inform and influence global, regional, and transboundary agenda setting and the priorities of governments, financiers, private sector, and civil society to effectively address source-to-sea issues in policy and practice.
  • Taking action on the ground: We stimulate source-to-sea action by raising awareness from grassroots to national levels, building local and regional capacity and demonstrating its benefits in addressing development challenges through practical application.
Members of the S2S Steering Committee
  • Tom Panella, Chair
  • International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), James Dalton, Director IUCN Global Water Programme
  • Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission UNESCO (IOC/ UNESCO), Julian Barbiere, Head, Marine Policy and Regional Implementation Section
  • International Water Resources Association (IWRA), Callum Clench, Executive Director
  • Deltares, Audrey Legat, Senior Advisor Water Governance
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Mary M. Matthews, Head, UNDP Water and Oceans i.a. UNDP Ocean Advisor and Ocean Innovation Challenge Manager
  • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Heidi Savelli-Soderberg, Chief a.i., Source to Sea Pollution-Free Unit, Ecosystems Division
  • Global Water Partnership (GWP), Dimitris Faloutsos, Deputy Regional Coordinator Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med)
  • Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Andy Rees, Senior Scientist
  • International Capacity Development Network for Sustainable Water Management (Cap-Net), Yasmina Rais El Fanni, Senior Programme Officer
  • Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)

News and Stories

Stay updated on our progress

  • Process Management is the Key to Dialogue

  • Lake Tanganyika – A challenge of diversity

  • Crossing the Line to Conflict Resolution – The Story of the Kahe East Water Users Association


Reports, case studies and handbooks


Audiovisual materials

WISE-UP - Water Infrastructure Solutions from Ecosystem Services
WISE-UP to Climate – Natural Infrastructure Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation (FR subtitles)
WISE UP to Climate - Tamale workshop July 2017