For healthy river basins around the world
A new paradigm for water management
IUCNs Water and Wetlands Team is implementing major initiatives on a global level to cover all aspects of sustainable water management
Ongoing initiatives
Shaping the future from the field
The source-to-sea approach recognizes that what we do on land and in rivers, lakes and aquifers can have impacts further downstream, along coasts and in the ocean. By taking these linkages into account, the approach applies a holistic view of the source-to-sea system, which will result in greater benefits for the entire system.
The Freshwater Challenge (FWC) is a country-led initiative, launched at the UN Water Conference in New York in March 2023 by the governments of Colombia, DR Congo, Ecuador, Gabon, Mexico and Zambia. It is part of the Water Action Agenda and under the auspices of the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration.
Al Murunah is a five-year project funded by the UK Government that IWMI implements in partnership with IUCN. It aims to enhance water security in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and the Occupied Palestinian Territories by integrating nature-based solutions for water and agricultural water management.
Provides expertise to facilitate dialogue and joint action where cooperation has slowed or stopped. Partnership lies at the centre of the Facility in order to respond to the needs of stakeholders and to shift shared water challenges to shared water solutions.
Securing sustainable development, livelihoods and peace through transboundary water cooperation
A 10-year initiative working on sustainable food systems and productive landscapes in Tanzania and Mozambique.
Past initiatives
Legacy projects with a lasting impact
Building partnerships for innovation in Water, Energy and Food Security, leading to transformation in water infrastructure financing and operations.
A Dutch-funded collaboration to catalyse meaningful youth engagement and action on water and climate.
A project that demonstrates natural infrastructure as a ‘nature-based solution’ for climate change adaptation and sustainable development.
Unlocking the potential for healthy river basins to build climate resilience and to sustain ecosystems and livelihoods.