Flows that support millions of people

Cambodia, Bangladesh,India, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam

In Asia, the BRIDGE initiative seeks to facilitate cooperative processes in the Mekong (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, Viet Nam), Salween (Myanmar and Thailand) and Meghna (Bangladesh and India) River Basins.

The Mekong River flows 4,800 km from China, to Myanmar, Lao PDR, Thailand, Cambodia and Viet Nam. The Mekong is the third most biodiverse river in the world, hosting over 1,100 species of fish. The river is characterized by a dynamic and extensive flood pulse which supports the world’s most productive freshwater fishery. Its resources support the lives of over 70 million people.

The Nu-Salawin-Thanlwin (collectively known as the Salween) River flows 2,400 km through China, Myanmar and Thailand. It is the last large free-flowing river in the region and is home to a number of Indigenous People’s groups, and is of high conservation value, due to its rich biodiversity.

The Meghna River flows 1,200 km from India to Bangladesh and provides ecosystem services that support the lives and livelihoods of more than 50 million people, including various Indigenous People’s groups.

The work in the Meghna River Basin is co-financed by SIDA through Oxfam’s TROSA project, and by the US State Department through IUCNs Shared Waters Cooperation Facility project.


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Audiovisual materials

Living in Harmony with Nature - Application of Nature-based Solutions in the Meghna Basin
Meghna Knowledge Forum 2021: The Call for Transboundary Cooperation (2022)
Engaging CSOs, improving water resource management
Gender Inclusion in Water Governance
Advancing Women's Leadership in Water Resource Governance
Engaging the media in water governance
Transboundary water governance in the Mekong
Strengthening CSO engagement in water governance: Government strategies and perception of CSOs in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basin

Our work across the world

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